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My 1st Coaching session

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1) What should I bring for my first class and the following ones?

During your first lesson, you must bring a USB key with instrumental versions of songs that you would like to work on, or send them to me by email at this address:

Also bring your words if necessary it allows to make annotations. It is better to know his words by heart, however, because it facilitates learning.

Also bring a small bottle of water in case you are dried out.

Finally, bring your best smile and your light to live :)

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2) Is it possible to park in the room?

You will have, in front of the local a few places sometimes available or a little further in the street, just before a traffic light, places are also available to park there.

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3) Bring the signed and complete form.

How are the lessons going?

I adapt according to the person in front of me, there is no class scheduled in advance. Each person is different, feels things differently, does not have the same problems and that is what is enriching! It's even better if you know in advance what you want to work on!

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Where do the lessons take place?

They take place on the 1st floor of a former school at 23, rue aux buttes in Rozay en Brie

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Do I have to work from home?

It is even recommended! ... To acquire knowledge, it is also necessary that an independent work be done, it is necessary to be motivated and disciplined, it is very useful to have a coach, but it is also necessary that you work to make it work! Otherwise, even if you had the best of coaches, it will be difficult to progress.

It is recommended, for at least 10 minutes, to perform a few exercises per day that have been seen in class or available in the Personal Space.

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and ESPECIALLY , if you have not understood an exercise, a gesture or other, do not hesitate to ask me questions, I am here for that. My goal is to guide you, to teach you, it's a two-man job that is done, so we need great transparency between us! :)

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Whenever you sing a song, whether in the car, in the shower or whatever, try practicing the exercises seen in class!

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Are the courses Individual?

'Yes, the lessons are Individual! Depending on the health situation and the number of students, group lessons and a choir may be set up.

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I have never sung, can I take lessons?

OF COURSE !!! That's what I'm here for, no matter what level you have, you absolutely have the right to take lessons!

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Can I choose to sing the song (s) I want?

Yes, absolutely you are free! It may be that sometimes I suggest you work on a song that I have chosen to have small challenges

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If I want to sing foreign songs, is that a problem?

No, as a singer I sing in several languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese ... I'm not going to refuse you that! However, if I do not know the accent of a language you will have the choice between: Finding a teacher or someone who can help you with pronunciation or that we work together on pronunciation.

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How does a course take place? (More in detail)
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Each course is different according to your desires and your needs. Each person is unique in his voice, and therefore also in his experience. It is not possible to proceed with a program already prepared in advance. For some we will work on breathing, for others on resonance, or vibration, the body, interpretation etc. And even in breathing, there are several ways to achieve this!
I adapt to each person, and sometimes the lessons can be too technical for some singers who just want to sing for fun. As for children for example. (That's why a trial lesson is possible)
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- But even the greatest footballers must train and work on their technique to progress! -
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
However, it's not just the technique that counts, when you do a concert, a show or even if you sing for the family, the main goal in my opinion is to live what you sing. . We can have the best of techniques but if we forget the text, its meaning etc. it can get boring. All that to say, treat yourself above all!
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The Richard CROSS pedagogy that I followed, goes through exercises which then, depending on the learning speed, lead to the song that you have chosen. The lessons are not hours of karaoke where you sing with lyrics in your hand without deepening a minimum of technique. This is why it is requested that you bring songs that you know by heart so that you can draw your attention to technical things rather than staying fixed on lyrics. Unless you need to learn a song, then we'll work on the memory!
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
I also participated in a 2-day Masterclass on the CVT method and suddenly I use all the tools that I have from my experience and the trainings I was able to attend.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
All these sensations can be time consuming, but do not worry because as I said to my grandmother: "Chi va piano, va sano e lontano going, going strong chi goes to the dead"
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